Scrubber system installation on Cruise Ship

Trident BMC, with more than 230 scrubber towers installations completed, continues to support its customers with implementation of EGCS on merchant and cruise ships. The increasing prices of marine fuels, and wider price spread, makes the shipowners with scrubbers already installed in a good position.
Currently our team of technicians deployed in Persian Gulf, is coming to the end of the installation of another Exhaust Gas Cleaning System on a cruise vessel, consisting of three scrubber towers. Due to limited access, all main components and scrubber towers are being transported into the chimney in small elements for final assembling. Trident BMC is continuing to grow its expertise in various sustainable technologies and is available to support with your implementation, successfully and with minimized downtime.
For inquires please feel free to contact us:

Trident BMC. One company. Many solutions. Around the world.