our Quality Assurance…
As a part of Trident Maritime Systems, Trident BMC has implemented and is certified for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Clear Company Strategy, policy and goals are a base for determination of yearly objectives and to enhance the importance of system continual improvement.
A dedicated QA Manager has been assigned to control the compliance of the company’s processes with issued procedures and standards of work.
Internal audits and Management reviews are effective tools to check if the goals have been achieved.
Top Management together with Division Managers take the necessary actions to implement changes resulting from lessons learned and periodical assessments.
our HSE …
It is a cornerstone value for Trident BMC, and our Top Management is committed to achieving a safe working environment for all our personnel, visitors, contractors and customers, by allocating all necessary resources and appointing a dedicated HSE Manager in this sense.
Soon we will be formally certified for compliance with ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. The current Health and Safety Management System has been supplemented with environmental requirements. All the procedures, safe work instructions, method statements and risk assessments aim to achieve a safe working environment, reduce the risk of work-related injury and ill health, and continuously improve occupational health and safety performances.
The environmentally friendly solutions offered to our Customers and activities aimed at minimizing the negative impact allow us to qualify as an environmentally friendly company.
For enhancement of the HSE function, induction and periodical refresher training is conducted for our employees in all our locations and projects.
our HR team …
Trident BMC provides services worldwide. We have plenty experience in operations in EC, USA as well as Asia, Canada and in service.
Dedicated HR department makes sure our employees have proper visa, A1, working permissions, certificates and solve number of their daily questions and problems.
Dedicated HR Manager together with her team located in Gdansk, Constanta and Shanghai supports hundreds of our employees.